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Que es una chilaba marroquí

Mariam Mariam 12 mars, 2021 Artesanía de Marruecos 0 Golpear: 6434

The djellaba or jellaba, also called qeššaba, qeššabiya or tajellabit) is a long loose robe with a hood, worn by both men and women, widespread as a traditional garment in North Africa.

The mountain dialects of Morocco call it tajellabit, which is a Berberized form.

According to Reinhart Dozy, the djellaba was originally the "garment of the djellab", that is to say of the slave trader or the garment of the slave. Others, like William Marçais, reject this etymology and propose to see in djellaba an alteration of djilbab which, in ancient Arabic, designated a draped garment. As for the term qeššabiya, Georges Séraphin Colin sees in this name the deformation of the Latin gausapa, a term which would have been preserved in the form gosaba in Adrar, where it designates the shirt.


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